Saturday, 11 July 2009

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Start a Photography Business

So you want to make some real money
from the hobby you love so much......

Five years ago I was bored, tired of going to work evey day to a job I did not like and working for people I did not like just to make THEM money in return for the usual derisory pay at the end of the month, sound familiar.....

Only my passion for "capturing the moment" with my trusty Canon digital camera saved my sanity and relieved me from the daily boredom of the office. Every spare minute I was out and about happily snapping anything interesting or unusual never thinking that ONE DAY I WOULD MAKE MY LIVING WITH MY CAMERA.

It took a major shake-up in my life to get me to take the action I had been thinking about in the back of my mind for years, yep you guessed it divorce and loosing my job all in the space of 3 weeks OUCH!!

Now I am not suggesting that you need to have such a shock to start living the life you deserve doing what you love to do, after all it has never been easier to make a living with your camera with literally hundreds of markets in which to work:

  • weddings
  • food photography (you get to eat the subject as well, fantastic!!)
  • real estate (did you ever go to view a house where the photographs were bad?)
  • family portraits
  • selling to stock libraries
  • corporate work (team photos, leadership days etc)
  • sport
  • glamour and nudes
  • fashion
  • pets...yes pets...very big business
  • travel
  • product (for catalogs, brochures etc)
  • events (parties, clubs, bar promotional work)
  • children
  • schools and kindergardens
The list is endless, but where do you start?...............

Before you even think about where to start you really need to check out the videos on the link at the bottom of the page, and read the controversial report form cover to cover.

Take a look Click Here!

Let me know what you think............

Until the next time
